Serves : Limitless number of Educators
Image: Piyachok Thawornmat /
1 bunch of inspired leaders
These people are not afraid to put their hand up and say “I’ll do it”.
Some contribute technical skills to create Google Docs which connect and translate time zones (thanks @clivesir), others co-ordinate speakers and do all the management required to make these things happen.
This team is led by @shellterrell
The core ingredients
2 dozen or so presenters
Each brings their personal experience from their classrooms along with bundles of passion. They come willingly to share their varying skills and ideas –
The colours and flavours.
1 pinch of Keynote speakers
Some ‘experts’ who bring an array of insights to challenge our way of thinking –
perhaps a bit of spice ?
2 dozen or so moderators
The people who keep it all together, moderate the chat, keep the presenters aware of questions and generally host the sessions –
the binding ingredients?
Multitudes of participants
Where would any conference be without the participants? Talking in an empty room can be rather challenging. We become familiar with each other if by nothing else than our Twitter handles or log in names. Many new Twitter connections are born; expanded PLN’s abound –
More colour and flavours
Unbounding Enthusiasm
Healthy dose of energy to manage the hours required to stay on track with an online conference whilst everyday life is going on around you –
the heat applied
A sprinkle of humour –
thanks to the George and Alec Couros for some of this !
(amongst others I am sure)
1 platform for online collaboration
Elluminate: Thanks @stevehargadon – The pot
Prepare the ingredients with a strong dose of prior information. Keep all stakeholders informed
Spread the word via the wonderful world of Twitter #rscon3, FaceBook
Marinate the enthusiasm in a generous sprinkle of preliminary blog posts by presenters
(@mgraffin and @whatedsaid for example) and an up to date website
Skill the moderators and presenters in the tools of Elluminate (via @johart & @philhart I believe)
Mix ALL ingredients in Elluminate for 48 hours.
Stir gently to encourage discussion and thoughtful reflective practice
A well oiled professional learning event – Reform Symposium 3
Thank you to all concerned!
What a creative way to sum up a great weekend of learning!
Ahhh…and a very tasty banquet it was. I love your analogy Celia…thanks!
It sounds like it was a wonderful experience! I wish I could have been there.
~ Michael
A perfect summary!
Bon appétit!
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